Frank Moore's CHEROTIC ALL-STAR BAND recorded Saturday, Dec. 13th, 2008, Echo Curio, 1519 Sunset Blvd., Echo Park, CA 90026
Comment from Kelly Knox:
There is a sense in which Frank’s art is transcendent and liminal at the same time. It is an art at the “threshold” and not of an-other realm. Liminal Art occupies the space between the lines of “this” and “that” –definition and opposition. In all art there is a fundamental and inexhaustible tension between the participant or maker of the art and the participant observer. Both are united and divided by the same term—in a kind of perverse calculus of parallel linguistic structuralism.
I always revert to metaphor and analogy when I see and think about Frank’s collaborations. The terms Ritual, Alchemy and Shamanism all come to mind of course, but each seems inadequate on analysis:
The ritual leads us in and around, but never to or through the mysterium or “absolute”; alchemy measures, combines, distills and records, but only ever approximates its conjunctio oppositorum; and the shaman sings, dances or flies into the spirit- world to speak with the ancestors, but on his return can only report what he saw or heard there—his reports are always inerrant—except for our inabilities to properly understand them.